Tuesday, August 31, 2010

kehangatan raye !

hai awak ! hari ni seronok kot sebab klas abes awal , tapi macam mane pun petang ni ade speaking test , huhu. takpe sempat td0 dulu jap lagi.
arini balek klas jalan kaki je. alah , panas pagi , ape ade hal..hmm . sampai je dengar lagu raye. perghh ! memang dah terase suasane tu kan kan ? tapi takpe , ari ni dah rabu bai , esok khamis pastu jumaat , sikit lagi je tu..rilek rilek suda en en..
tadi test pun dah lepas , alhamdulillah , lepas satu beban , tapi pagi esok ade exam lagi..huhu , bebanan yang last before cuti raye nih. takpe takpe redha kan. haha.
well , there's nothing much that i can talk talk for today. everything is under control and doing well. so , sampai sini jelah post kali ni ek. owh ye nak cite pasal sambutan ambang merdeka jap. seronok jugak la , first time celebrate jauh dari rumah and family. however , it was fun and exciting , tak kesal pun pegi walaupun menapak kan. enj0ying the entire night at the stadium.

Monday, August 30, 2010

counting the days..

hola peeps !
today i have a very good mood to update my hunny bunny bloggie.haha.first , let me start with assalamualaikum.hehe , i'm counting the days for many things.first is my mum birthday which is tommorow ( 31st august ) , and i hope that i can be the first person to wish her.second is cuti raya.haha.cannot wait to finish all those things and when come to friday , i'll be home.that's nice sweetheart.haha

owh , now i wanna talk about someone who has a very low of dignity.
hye , dont call others as a bitch even all of us know who is the real one actually , dont asked people to prostitute like what you did , you are really enbrassing your parents you know that.dont simply say that i'm talking shit because you are the shit of all those craps ! enough is enough stupid.simple for you.dont mess aroud with others because you are not that perfect to be proud off

last words for you : you can stop your bad attitude of talking shit about others.where is your mirror , look into , and bertaubat oke !

Saturday, August 28, 2010

bosan ohh !

well , today everything was under the plan , woke up in the morning ( afternoon actually haha ) , then my mum asked me and my sis to get ready , ' we wanna go shopping today ' she said and yess ! as you wish mum , we followed the order , haha sebab nak pegi shopping kann..then , we went out to makchek's house first , tengok yuyi si c0mel tu , then baru la pegi jalan jalan cari barang..well , kan da nak raye so , the exciting is become more and more..hahah :)

then , petang tu we went to bazar to buy some lauk-pauk for brbuke..that was fun , lot of people there , crowded tapi what to do , nak halang dorang ke ? patut ke ? hah , mane boleh bahh , orang pun nak membeli jugak ! ohh yea , semalam we also went to bazar ramadhan tapi yang dekat tj punye..saje kan pegi belah situ , jumpe plak ' P ' , cehh , tak tau laa ape nak cakap..bla bla bla
banyak plak aku membebel ni , yela bosan sume pun tido naseb baek my mommy and sisty da terjage , haha , ch0w !

Friday, August 27, 2010

okey , i want to share something for today.
happy birthday to you AYAH ! hihi :)
actually burfday ayah dah lame da pun lepas nye.
aku baru je nak upload hari ni. well , buzy la kann..haha.
so , this is the day for me to upload photo photo yg aku suke.
salah satu nye gambar kek burfday ayah ni..
lastly , Hepi Burfday to you AYAH ! love you mucho mucho..
hehe , ni kek tu..sedap oohhh.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

tersangat mengantuk.

nak tau tak ? malam tadi siapkan forum BEL punye pasal , aku tdo pukul 3 pagi..bayangkan ??
tak penah plak aku tdo lambat camtu kalau esok nye ade klas..tp tak pe..berkorban sket en en..tak salah pun..
hmm ,
bosan pun ade gak nih , yela , tiap tiap hari aku lah orang yang paling last tinggalkan bilik sebab kelas aku sume start lambat , hahaha gembire tak ? gembire kan kan..
pastu yang akan sampai or abes klas awal ialah AKU lagi..haha aku jugakk ! bertambah laa gembire nye..tapi bosan jugak sebab tak de orang pun kat bilik..
ohh yea..
tadi forum dah selesai..
suke suke :)
satu lagi , dulu aku punye post pendek pendek je kan , skang aku tengok blog blog orang lain , mcm panjang2 je tulis nye..
so , let me try jugak..haha..sibukk !

Monday, August 23, 2010

beban berkurangan :)

ahah ! terase beban kat bahu ni dah ringan sikit. Alhamdulillah syukur..
dah banyak yang selesai..
baru la balance bahu ni , kalau tak senget jek..haha kidding (^_^)
anyway , ade lagi kot sebenar nye..
malam ni aku ade TEST untuk subjek law..
and by tomorrow aku ade forum , forum lagi ????
huhu , yes ! FORUM untuk bel pulaks..
pastu..h0ooray laa..
hihi , tu jelah untuk ari ni sebab aku nak td0 n then study untuk mlm ni..

p/s : petang khamis : hai temerloh :)

Saturday, August 21, 2010

wehh , sumpah nak nanges :'(

aku tak tau laa weh..
tapi serius cakap , mmg rase nak nanges je..
ohh ibu , akak nak balek !!
this week banyak sangat keje kot..
dah naik menyampah dah..

aduhh ,
sabar ye sabrina ,
sikit lagi nak sampai khamis..
bertahan tau :)
( is trying to sedapkan hati sendiri )

Friday, August 20, 2010

ohh test !

jap lagi ade test ,
i'm off to study and study and study..
will be updating later yeah !
see u guys :)
wish me luck..

Thursday, August 19, 2010

the buziest week ever !

nyampah bt0l..
this week tak dpt blek umah..
keje bpak ah , bnyk gler gler..
tgk eh , aku trangkan kje2 nye..

  • first , esk tgh ari ade test csc..stdy pn blum nih..
  • second , assignment ade 2..satu nk kne submit isnin and satu lg before rabu..
  • third , slase pagi ade forum..
  • pastu mlm nye plak ade test..huhu
  • next , rbu ade plak forum lagikk..
haa , tgk laa..brtimbun kan..
tp aku lek lek je..
klu tak , nanti stress w0kk !
sampai sni jela dulu ye..
nanti kite update lagi okey..
tata ! (^_^)

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

hey you , just say so..

dear freak ,
what is on ur mind rite now ha ?
i'm here waiting for ur response..
and yes !
u can always straight away tell me if u do not want it..
but ,
i know..
u'll never say so..
i'm sick of all that pretending..
huh !

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Ramadhan al-Mubarak

esok bermula lah bulan puasa..
dan aku ,
akan memulakan puasa tanpa keluarga tersayang :(
ini la first time aku puasa jauh daripada family aku..
i just can't imagine how i could stand without them..
sahur + kelas + berbuka.......
ohh !
susah nyeee..
tak pe , take it slowly and as long as we are not against the flow..
insyaallah , all will be doing fine..

tapi entah kenapa tiba-tiba aku rindu rumah giler giler..
ohh god , help me :(
please ! esok da rabu..sikit lagi nak jumaat !!

Saturday, August 7, 2010

secrets :)

I need another story
Something to get off my chest
My life gets kinda boring
Need something that I can confess
Til' all my sleeves are stained red
From all the truth that I've said
Come by it honestly I swear
Thought you saw wink, no
I've been on the brink, so

Tell me what you want to hear
Something that were like those years
Sick of all the insincere
So I'm gonna give all my secrets away
This time, don't need another perfect line
Don't care if critics never jump in line
I'm gonna give all my secrets away